Let’s Organize Your Home!

Create Spaces & Organizational Systems That Promote Efficiency & Give You More Time to ENJOY Your Life!

Home Organizing

How would you like to walk into a room and feel at peace?That is what we strive for you when we help organize your home. When we start working with you, we will ask you what is the one room that causes you the most angst, and often that is the one we want to get under control first. We want you to walk in and say, “I’m Home”.

Every person is different, so no two jobs are alike. We work to create systems that work specifically for you, your lifestyle and your needs.

No room or space is beyond our scope – we work from basements to the attics and everything in between.  (Although kitchens, closets and pantries are a personal favorite!)

Office Organizing

Are you drowning in paper?  Paying late fees & finance charges? Missing important deadlines? Need help getting the paper piles under control?  Say goodbye to those stacks of papers filling up every crevice of your home. 

We will create a flow of paper – how it comes into your home, where it resides and how it leaves. 

We will help you set up systems that work with your specific style.

Moving - Senior Move Manager

There are many moving parts (no pun intended) for this process to run smoothly. We can help you from the beginning to the end, helping you manage all the little details in between. We are a member of NASMM (National Association of Senior and Specialty Move Managers). 

Downsizing – The first step to moving is decluttering and figuring out what you need and want to take to your new home.  We can help you figure all that out and as you declutter your home, you are making your home ready for sale.  Moving is expensive, so the more you can let go, the lower your moving cost and the quicker you can get set up in the new home.

Unpacking – You may dread unpacking boxes, but we love it!  Let us unpack your boxes and set you up in your new home.  How nice would it be to move and the same night go to sleep in a freshly made bed and wake up to a functional and organized kitchen?  So often people just open boxes and put items away with no thought. Give yourself the best housewarming gift and let us take care of it all.  It may take a few days, but rest assured, no boxes will be left unpacked!

Chronically Disorganized

Chronic Disorganization is a lifelong struggle one has with being disorganized where self-help efforts to change and get organized have failed. This affects the person’s quality of life and there is a feeling that one will never get organized.  POSH Organizing can put systems in place, tailored to the client’s way of thinking to help them get and stay organized.

Do I need help?

Are you going through a life transition of some kind? Do you need help with specific areas of your home?
Read on…. is this you?

If This is You…

Contact POSH Organizing today and let us help you work through this challenge.